Centres time offers lots of opportunity for free expression, putting ideas down on paper, making pictures and cutting out. Children love creating paper crafts, writing letters and adding To and From to pictures, letters and cards created for parents or friends.
This is our writing centre with felts, pencils and scissors, wher books, cards and child inspired crafts can be created.
There is lots of language development happening here and literacy skills and children write messages etc.
Also peer learning happens as ideas are exchanged and skills shared.
Drawing on the chalk board allows for big, broad drawing strokes and help develop perception and thinking/planning skills. Children must work cooperatively to share the space.
This student wanted a big piece of paper to make a landing strip for his lego ship. I said you could try sticking pieces of paper together to make a long landing strip, he happily went off to find the tape and create his special invention. It is empowering for children to have ideas and then to go off and find the materials they need to make it a reality.
Here he is adding detail with a felt.
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